Automated browser testing frameworks for 2023

The demand for automation testing is at an all-time high thanks to rapid advancements in technology brought about by AI and machine learning. Most software development companies today resort to automation to test software applications since it helps companies achieve their business objectives by accelerating the product delivery process while maintaining quality. It is not surprising that the automation testing market size is poised to reach a whopping USD 49.9 billion by 2026.

Automation is also the preferred method for testing browser applications, which is a complex process where every minor aspect of the application is to be tested thoroughly with numerous minor inputs. Since it is beyond human capacity to do such repetitive actions on a large scale efficiently, it is essential to automate the process. Repeating each of these actions, often hundreds of times, are unreasonable for a human. Therefore, automation is a must when it comes to browser testing. 

There are many automated browser testing tools available in the market claiming to facilitate quick testing across various browsers, but you need to pick one that is most suited for your test project. 

To help you, we list the leading automated browser testing tools from which you can select the one most suitable for your needs. 

Top automated browser testing Tools for 2023

Choose an automated browser testing tool with features and benefits that can take your testing process to the next level.

  1. TestGrid

Of all the automated browser testing tools available in the market, TestGrid is a platform that stands out among others because of its robust testing capabilities. It lets you run codeless and Ai-Based Automated Browser Testing, mobile app, API and performance testing on more than 1000 real browsers, OS and devices. With TestGrid, you can easily conduct automated cross browser testing on multiple browsers and OS parallelly, saving time and costs. TestGrid lets you accelerate your end-to-end cross browser testing and lets you run cross browser testing from various IP locations to validate browser compatibility.

Key features:

  • Seamless debugging with integrated native developer tools
  • Facilitates geolocation testing
  • 1000+ real devices & browsers to test on
  • Lets you use GPS and other features to develop real-world test scenarios
  • Its infrastructure is reliable and 100% secure
  • Flexibility to scale your tests up or down as per evolving requirements
  • Lets you write perfect test cases every time
  • 24/7 technical support from its expert team 
  • Run tests from anywhere and anytime remotely
  • Lets you deliver error-free software faster to the market
  1. Katalon

It is a popular automated browser testing tool that provides complete browser-testing functionality. It is ideal for general-purpose user interface testing and lets you develop complex automated scripts without any previous programming experience. Moreover, with Katalon, you can use its recording tools to establish automated CI/CD testing parameters.

Key features:

  • Integrate easily with popular tools like Jenkins, Bamboo, CircleCL, etc.
  • Offers AI-backed test execution
  • Supports all operating systems, browsers and devices
  • Provides IDE for automated test creation
  • Lets you record and replay browser tests


  • More suited for large enterprises
  1. Virtuoso

It is an AI-driven automated testing tool that most organizations prefer as it is easy to use and facilitates test scripting in simple English. One excellent feature of the tool is how it uses AI systems to identify objects after they are rearranged. It provides easy test maintenance with tests that can heal themselves. 

Key features

  • It allows you to run the same test on every browser and every device
  • Facilitates snapshot testing
  • Low code/no code test automation 
  • Reduces test maintenance to almost zero
  • Lets you create tests in natural language from wireframes even before you build the application


  • Provides little documentation support
  1. Ranorex studio

A popular browser testing platform, it is also an excellent UI testing tool that is suitable for both beginners and experts. Its advanced GUI-based settings let you test without needing prior coding knowledge. Another outstanding feature of Ranorex is its in-depth object inspection tool. There are many productivity and assistance tools that come with the software to facilitate quick and easy testing.

Key features:

  • It provides testing parameter assistance
  • Easily integrates with Jira and TestRail
  • Facilitates robust browser testing
  • It lets you create and relay browser tests
  • Provides record and replay browser testing


  • It is more suited for large organizations and MSPs
  1. TestComplete

TestComplete is an automation tool that is ideal for browser testing with support for desktop applications and mobile app/browser testing as well. It has amazing features like its inbuilt AI-powered object recognition tool that facilities smoother browser testing. Moreover, TestComplete allows integrations with many CI/CD tools like Jenkins.

Key features:

  • Provides excellent cross-browsing features
  • Lets you realistically test browsers using its AI features
  • Supports various scripting options
  • Facilitates record and replay of tests
  • Provides GUI browser test automation 


  • Its documentation is not up to the mark

Summing Up

We have explored five of the leading automated browser testing solutions in detail. Finally, it is up to you to weigh the pluses and minuses of each tool to decide which tool is perfect for your needs. 

Of all these tools, TestGrid is one platform that most organizations prefer to meet all their testing requirements. The AI-based intelligent and cost-efficient end-to-end testing platform simplifies and streamlines testing efficiency, enabling businesses to rapidly deliver high-quality software to the market. Moreover, TestGrid provides access to real devices and browsers whenever you need them. 

TestGrid provides QA teams with remote access for manual and automation testing and lets you perform cross-browser testing and API testing and obtain valuable performance metrics without installing third-party applications. Security is never compromised with TestGrid as it auto-generates SAST reports on every build execution. With TestGrid, you can execute web and app testing with TestGrid’s codeless automation within minutes, saving precious time and accelerating your testing process.